Become an agent with YLE and earn money.
YLE needs people throughout the Great Britain to contact the type of experts that we list. You will need an Internet connection but the people that you recruit don't have to. If you are a natural "networker" you could know 50-100 people who could benefit from joining YLE. Work harder and visit your local shops or phone around the area and being a YLE Agent could be a full time job. Recruiting 1000 (less than 5 a day) businesses would earn £20000; and you would be your own boss!
All businesses that are listed on YLE qualify as agents so that they can
use their existing business network, introduce new businesses and earn a third
of the listing fee (currently that would be £20 for a page ) when it is paid. That is
not just the first time but every time the fee is paid, year in year out.
You do not have to be listed to earn: anyone can register as a YLE Agent
and get £20 for each new paying business that they introduce. They then
receive £20 every year that the business renews its listing.